There is an old camp song that proclaims, “The more we get together, the happier we’ll be.” The last two years have proven that song by showing us the negative. We are much less happy when we are unable to get together. We really do need each other. Along with food and shelter we need human contact. Being able to be out among people is helpful, while the best contacts are those we have with people who are friends and people we care about. I am convinced that it is possible to die of loneliness or at least to fail to prosper when we are cut off from loving contact. God knows that about us. When God looked at Adam he said, “it is not good for man to be alone. I will make a companion for him.” We need companionship. That may come with a spouse or a good friend, or a sibling, or a child or a family member. It is no mistake that “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” is a perennial favorite among hymns and spiritual songs. Our companionship with God and with each other is vital to our wellbeing. We sing about walking with God. We note our communion with God and with his son, Jesus. When we are very young we are frightened when our care givers are out of sight, even for a minute. Later we learn that they will return and relationship is still secure even when those we love are not constantly, physical present with us, but we never fully outgrow our fear of abandonment and loneliness. With the constancy of God’s presence we have less reason to feel alone, but we still want and need other people in our life to feel fully whole and secure. So we celebrate in our church the themes: Peacefully, Simply, Together. All three are significant but “together” may be more important to us in our current time and place.