
My son-in-law, Marc and I were at a Fantasy Movie based on the comic book character, “The Spirit.” Our wives were not interested in the movie so it was a boy’s night out.  The villain in the piece was played as a bit silly.  He had minions, large beefy guys, with their names on their t-shirts.  All the names ended in “os”.  There was mild laughter when onr “minion” emerged with “huevos” printed on his shirt (Spanish for “eggs”.)  Later in the movie three entered with the names, “logos, ethnos, and pathos.” Marc and I were the only ones laughing.  We both recognized Aristotle’s sources of persuasion from the Poetics.  Admittedly, that was a pretty obscure reference for a general audience.  We were aware of the reference from college philosophy classes we had each taken.  Jokes can be like that.  There has to be a shared context to get the joke.  On reflection, it made me wonder how often I miss the point in reading, conversation, viewing,  or hearing because I am missing some vital piece of information.  There should be no shame in not getting the point when our knowledge is limited in some way.  At other times, I know that I miss the point because I am not paying attention (not to mention my faulty hearing).  How often I wonder is God trying to point out something important to me and I am too distracted by the things around me to hear or get the point.  I can work on greater knowledge of God and his ways and I can purpose to pay better attention.  I want to be sure that I am getting the message that the eternal author is sending out.