If I want to be sure to get in touch with my daughters, I send them a phone message. This form of the texting is more effective than e-mail or even a phone call. By the way, how does a noun like ” to text” become a verb almost overnight? This is how I learned to “text”. It would not have been my preferred method of communication. Unlike some students who can type with magic thumbs on their phones with nearly light speed while I hunt and peck while being passed in my lane by snails, sloths and tortoises. I don’t text because I like it or find it efficient, I text because it works to get me in touch with my beloved daughters. I could just say :I am old, why should I have to adapt to a new way of communicating?” The answer in my mind is\that I prefer the connection to my daughters over my own convenience. Is there a principle here that could be applied to the work of the church? There are my preferences for programs or for worship or for music, but what would our process be if we asked what are the preferences of those we would like to reach? How can we best make contact with them?