Once I read this statement, but fail to recall who wrote it, “I have settled my complaints with the ruler of the universe.” I wish I could easily say this . Certainly some of my earlier complaints have been settled, but like most of humanity I seem to have a frightenly large reservoir of complaints to draw on from the size of the avocado pit to why the righteous suffer. Large and small I can find plenty to moan to the Eternal about on a frequent basis. On the other hand I find much in life around me to celebrate. So many things cause me to be glad from small to great. I delight in the first buds of spring, in the joy of new fallen snow, in a cooling summer breeze, in a good joke, in a well turned phrase in literature, in a quiet moment at evening,, in a majestic sunset. Even bigger part of society make me rejoice. The family focus of many young fathers, in gains against racism, in acts of charity that expect no reward or recognition, in the receiving of refugees, in the growth of peace in some areas and the hope for peace in others. I am settled in my praise for the ruler of the Universe for all good things.