Would you rather save up and buy a more expensive and potentially longer lasting item or would you like a less expensive and potentially less durable items and have it available immediately? An open credit card seems an easy answer, but then the bill comes due and may be interest as well has to be paid. Of the first two choices which best fits your style? There are advantages to both. There are also advantages especially for the credit card companies for the third choice. With the first choice- better quality and durability are often pluses. For the second immediate enjoyment and economic savings may be pluses. I’m not sure there is ;a right way, but how we choose does give us clues to our mental state. In the end conscious choice is better than unthoughtful accidental decisions. How would our commitment to the Christian faith speak to any of these three way of spending? It seems like it should. Will not a firm faith reach down into our pocketbook as well as upward into our souls? I hope so, but I confess I do not find choices easy to figure out. In this area as well as others I need a strong measure of God’s wisdom.