
Our earth is a treasure from God.  We have it on loan from the Creator.  We have a degree of authority over it.  We can use that authority to nurture and sustain the earth or we can use it to exploit and even destroy it to feed our selfish desires.  This authority is shared with the rest of humanity and is in trust for future generations.  When our stewardship is flippant, or selfish, or wasteful, it is like we are unfaithful managers.  No matter how clever we believe ourselves to be, eventually the neglect of our stewardship of the earth could end in disaster.  But faithful sensible stewardship may help avoid future disaster for ourselves and our d3escendants.  We do not all agree with what we should do to nurture and preserve the gift of earth that God has given us, but perhaps we could agree that God has placed this stewardship atleast partially in our hands.  We buy insurance to prepare for the “what ifs” of life.  We may begr;udge the premiums paid if disaster doesn’t come, but then we remember the peace of mind that comes from preparing the best we knew.  What can we do together to insure a good future for our food earth out of gratitude for this gift from the Creator God?