Time was in a more rural setting where folk were used to early rising that we had a sunrise service on Easter Sunday. Rather than sunrise as on that first Easter morning we had a “sunrise service at 8:00 am or 9:00 am. It was more suitable for our modern lifestyle. We still remembered and celebrated that first Easter morning when the women came early to the tomb, but somehow it didn’t quite seem the same. At least we were more awake for the morning worship and with bright voices we could say “He is risen!” and hear the response “He is risen, indeed!” The heart of Easter morning is still there. Times change but the glory of resurrection morning still stirs our hearts. The symbolic lilies and spring flowers speak joy to our vision. We sing the songs of resurrection. We remember that Jesus the resurrected one is with us still. He is risen, indeed and we share and will share in his resurrection. We remember that Jesus the resurrected one is with us still. We gather with those we love, distant ones often come home to be with us. We are a resurrection people. Life is still with us. Jesus is still with us. God is still with us. We are living in God’s new world. It has started and we are on our way to glory. His is risen and because he is, so we are and shall be always with the Lord. Hallelujah, his is risen indeed.