Most of us like a parade. It can be as elaborate as the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade or as simple as the Daleville Fourth of July parade. Celebration and pageantry have their own appeal. I have often thought of Palm Sunday as a parade. Branches cut from trees and coats spread as carpet were festive touches. Palms waved in our imaginary vision of the moment were festive. A humble king riding in on a donkey to the cheers of the crowd was high drama, excitement and even joy. Promises seemed ready to be realized, Deliverance was in sight. Jesus’ disciples seem heady with triumph. In the midst of all that some of Jesus’ opponents were ready to rain on his parade. “It is unseemly for your disciples to carry on so!” If they don’t shout perhaps the stones in the street will take up the chant: “Hosanna to the Son of David. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.” There will always be those who wish to dampen the joy of others. Some will be happy if all the joyous spontaneity fizzles out. Let everything stay calm and orderly. Don’t act like children. Block the parade route, silence the cheers. Do these people have the proper permit for such a demonstration? These ordinary folk should know their place. Bring out the grand parade with proper dignity, official dignitaries, white horses, trumpets and marching soldiers not this rabble who have no official standing. Let those who deserve it march in the parade. The humble king responds: Let them cheer, there is a victory coming.