Recently, we needed to see our family doctor. It was not a big emergency but was an immediate concern that needed to be addressed. Our doctor graciously worked us into his already packed schedule.
Our doctor is very thorough and listens carefully, often finding issues when we are not sure how to express what the problem is. As a result of his careful work, there are often delays. We know we will experience his competent care and are glad others receive the same attention. One lady, when she found out there would be a wait, decided that she couldn’t wait and expressed her irritation at having to reschedule.
Waiting can be hard for any of us even when we understand the reason. At times in our prayer, we hear God say, “yes” and sometimes we hear God say, “no.” We always want the “yes” but accept the “no.” Hardest of all is when we sense that God is saying, “wait.” None of us likes to wait, but it may be necessary. Our daughters came to us as a junior committee of two to declare, “We want yes or no, no more we’ll see! We’ll see always means no.” I also can feel like that when we need to wait. God’s timing may not match our desire, especially when our fears and critical concerns are really near. If we can be patient, God always has a better end in mind than we could even imagine.