The saying is “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Maybe that is true for many situations, but there are times when words are needed, as well. Ancient Israel had some hesitancy to trust the visual. No doubt some of this grew out of the use of idols which limited God’s nature and power. The problem was not just that the gods which the idols represented were false gods, but they were inadequate to express the reality of what God is. The images were too limited for the true majesty of God. J.B. Phillips, in his book “Your God is Too Small”, brilliantly shows the inadequacy of my conceptions of God. This goes far beyond the question of visual presentations to the mental images of God which we hold in our minds. As the prophet expresses it, “My ways are not your ways, says the Lord.” Our best thinking about God may be true of who God is but it will never be adequate to express all that God is. At best we have a hazy image of God, bounded by the limits of our knowledge, experiences, and abilities. We know in part and understand in part – never quite the whole. It is true that we never fully know another person even when we know them for a lifetime, but we know enough to love and cherish them. How much more so with God. We do truly know God, but we never know all there is to know about God. Knowing more of God is one of the great adventures of the Christian life.