
    Ecclesiastes 12:12 says, “Of the making of many books there is no end, & much study is a weariness of the flesh.” Students are often aware of how weary they get just with studying; the list that professors demand for their classes can seem endless. Few stop to think about how many books are published each year; estimates indicate approximately 2.2 million new titles annually! It is even more daunting to imagine how many “books” have been penned since humankind began to write. Many of those were not adequately preserved. We know of many lost books. The evidence suggests many more we do not even have a title or reference about, which leaves us to wonder…the great library of Alexandria, Egypt, perished by fire while still in ancient times with a great loss of ancient books. Some of us know the frustration of just trying to find an out-of-print book whose title & author we know. Even the Bible mentions books that we know nothing about. We may well have lost some treasures through the centuries. Hopefully, the best survived. What is certain is that too much now exists to ever read them all. Even with a more restricted list confined to a smaller field, no one is full up-to-date in any major field. The question, “Have you read…?” is most often answered with a no, or not yet. My list of yet unread books grows longer every day, even in the areas where I have the most interest. I read fast but there are only so many hours in the day even if I could devote every waking moment just to reading! I have read the Bible many times in my life and I still find new insight with each re-reading. Perhaps the best strategy is to read for quality not quantity, and for that I think the Bible is best.