
Earlier in the history of Western movies, there were stereotypes which helped identify the hero from the villain. The good guys wore white hats, and the bad guys wore black hats is some of those early flicks. In real life, it is less easy to identify the good ones from the bad ones. It is still pretty easy in cartoons, but not even in the live movies are the clues so obvious. We even have years of anti-hero characters who fuzzy the sense of who the good guys are. I am a bit troubled by these changes. I know that some of the old movies were massively unrealistic. Roy Rogers disabling the crooks with one punch wasn’t a true picture of how easily evil can be defeated. Admittedly, the world around us has always been complicated and the motives of many may be suspicious at best, but there are still good guys and bad guys. With enough personal charisma, evil intent can be hidden for a time, but in the end, true character will reveal itself. Among us ordinary folk, it can be pretty obvious who are the good people. We are fortunate if we are surrounded by good people, because that seems to call out the goodness in ourselves. Just as evil can spawn evil, so goodness can give birth to goodness. It was said of Jesus that “he went about doing good.” You can’t tell by the color of the hat who the good ones are, but life behavior will always reveal it in the end.


       I am grateful for all the people in the church for their support for the church and its work.  All of them make an important contribution out of the gifts that God has given them.

     There is a saying among actors, “There are no small parts.” It is obvious how this happens in TV situation comedies. What starts out as an infrequent or even one-time character in a “small part” is so well-played, the writers begin to write the character more prominently in the script and the “small part” becomes a “big role.”

       There are no small roles in the life of the church. St. Paul described the Church as a body, with all the parts of the body being necessary for proper functioning. No part of the body is unimportant. “If everything was the eye, where would the hearing be?” he wrote. In fact, each person in the church has a place in God’s plan for the local church because “God has placed the members in the church as it pleases him.”

       Some roles are more obvious than others, but none are without value. In Christ’s church and in our congregation, in particular, there are no “small roles.”


     Once a lovely, but economically poor young couple asked me to do their wedding ceremony. I met them for premarital counseling, as was my practice. I don’t remember if I specifically said there would be no fee for any of my services since the church was already providing for my work.

     I did not expect any honorarium, so I was surprised when an envelope arrived from the couple who had moved away closer to family. Inside was a beautiful handkerchief, with a hand-stitched hem and tasteful embroidery. To be remembered and honored in such a gentle way seemed a better reward than any monetary gift.

     I was reminded of the widow with her two small coins in the Jesus story. Perhaps they remembered some teary-eyed moment in one of my sermons and thought a hanky would be handy for a pastor. For years, I carried handkerchiefs for such a purpose. Nowadays, tissues are so available and perhaps more sanitary. But a handkerchief conveys a sense of security.

     I understand that the always practical Queen Elizabeth II kept very little in the purses she carried beyond a handkerchief.  Perhaps “always carry a handkerchief” is old-fashioned advice, but they are still useful in so many emergencies.  Just because something is old-fashioned does not mean it can’t provide good service when needed.


Once I read an autobiography from a very successful teacher who had grown up in a family of rather severe abuse. She chronicled how it was books that provided an escape and a vision of what she might become. In books she caught sight of a world she could aspire to, out of the misery of her own life. While I did not experience anything like the difficulties the teacher described, I do know that books were and are sources for freedom, growth, and even healing for me. In them I found companions more like my lonely self. They took me on adventures to situations and places I had never known. They helped me understand myself and other people. They taught me empathy and engaged my compassion. Through books I came to see other people’s perspective even when I strongly disagreed. The Bible was one of those books, but not the only one. The Bible’s realistic portrayal of human beings, with all their greatness and nobility and all their pettiness and sinful arrogance, taught me so much. Books have opened up the world around me and the world inside me. No wonder I love books! I have a coffee cup which proclaims, “Leave me alone, I’m reading.”  So leave some space in your life to read good books and especially “the Good Book”, the Bible. Perhaps it will open you up to the world around you and the world inside you.


 My father, early in his life owned a restaurant in Flagstaff, Arizona.  He had cooked in other restaurants before for owning and cooking in his own. Dad had very strong feelings about how restaurants and cafés should operate. He gave high priority to training staff and the highest priority to the quality of the food.  For the modern restaurant trade, he had very little patience. He was a stickler for cleanliness and safety but had little sense of the ambiance of an eating establishment. If the café was neat and clean and well-kept, he was satisfied, but only if the food was terrific.

     Creating an atmosphere or a trendy setting left him unimpressed.  A tiny Mexican café with a great homestyle cook was to be preferred over the fanciest slick Tex-Mex restaurant with mediocre fare.

     I always want good food but appreciate a fancy setting on a date with my wife. Sometimes the church seems a bit similar. All flashy service with no content leaves me frustrated, but good content in a setting of beautiful music and decoration can enhance my experience. I really want both excitement and good content, but if I had to choose, sound, thoughtful content would rank first for me.  Perhaps my Dad was right after all.


My friend gave me a small icon from the Eastern Orthodox tradition of the Christian church. It shows Jesus as Pantocrator, the ruler over everything.  His right hand is gently raised in blessing and in his left, a book.  The icon is certified to be made in the tradition of ancient Byzantine art. The icon is handmade by a master artist and craftsman. It is precious to me both because of its connection to the past and the friendship of the one who bestowed it upon me.

     Icons are often misunderstood in our culture. They are not idols or objects of worship although they may stimulate the true worship of God. It is my understanding that one of the functions of an icon is to focus attention on the God to whom the icon points.

     As I look at Jesus as Pantocrator, I am remembering that he is appointed by the Heavenly Father as ruler over all rulers and kings and over all created things. Beyond the gentle teacher and healer of Galilee, he is the sovereign son of the Father who has the whole creation in His care -- even the smallest parts of the creation, creatures like me.  His hand of blessing is always over us, his priceless teachings guide us, his loving presence sustains us.  He is truly Lord of all.  He is our Lord.


     Every Mother’s Day, I think about the things my “mothers” taught me.  Wilma Ivene McIntire Spaulding reminded me regularly to wash my hands before I ate and, while I was at it, to wash anything else that needed it.  She also taught me to “Mind your own business, and let your younger brother mind his own business.” My stepmother, Marie Early Spaulding, taught me to iron shirts and to stay open to give and receive love. My spiritual mother, my aunt Esther Spaulding Marquart, taught me to love God and listen to Jesus. My academic mother, Gertrude Little, taught me to love teaching as a part of pastoral life. Another academic mother, Marie Strong, taught me to take Jesus’ teachings seriously and to live them out in daily life. My mother-in-law, Gertie Andrew Miller, taught me the strength of the gentle touch in relationships and the importance of acceptance for children and adults alike. Sue, the mother of my children, taught how to be more gracious and polite with real sincerity. Esther Boyer Kirkpatrick taught me that you could simply talk to Jesus as a friend in prayer without any exalted or flowery language.

     Some of these women were literally mothers and some were not, but they all had mothering roles in my life.  Who were the mothers in your life and what did they teach you?


The saying is “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Maybe that is true for many situations, but there are times when words are needed, as well. Ancient Israel had some hesitancy to trust the visual. No doubt some of this grew out of the use of idols which limited God’s nature and power. The problem was not just that the gods which the idols represented were false gods, but they were inadequate to express the reality of what God is. The images were too limited for the true majesty of God. J.B. Phillips, in his book “Your God is Too Small”, brilliantly shows the inadequacy of my conceptions of God. This goes far beyond the question of visual presentations to the mental images of God which we hold in our minds. As the prophet expresses it, “My ways are not your ways, says the Lord.” Our best thinking about God may be true of who God is but it will never be adequate to express all that God is. At best we have a hazy image of God, bounded by the limits of our knowledge, experiences, and abilities. We know in part and understand in part – never quite the whole. It is true that we never fully know another person even when we know them for a lifetime, but we know enough to love and cherish them. How much more so with God. We do truly  know God, but we never know all there is to know about God. Knowing more of God is one of the great adventures of the Christian life.


     Recently, we needed to see our family doctor.  It was not a big emergency but was an immediate concern that needed to be addressed.  Our doctor graciously worked us into his already packed schedule. 

     Our doctor is very thorough and listens carefully, often finding issues when we are not sure how to express what the problem is.  As a result of his careful work, there are often delays. We know we will experience his competent care and are glad others receive the same attention.  One lady, when she found out there would be a wait, decided that she couldn’t wait and expressed her irritation at having to reschedule.

     Waiting can be hard for any of us even when we understand the reason. At times in our prayer, we hear God say, “yes” and sometimes we hear God say, “no.” We always want the “yes” but accept the “no.” Hardest of all is when we sense that God is saying, “wait.” None of us likes to wait, but it may be necessary. Our daughters came to us as a junior committee of two to declare, “We want yes or no, no more we’ll see! We’ll see always means no.” I also can feel like that when we need to wait. God’s timing may not match our desire, especially when our fears and critical concerns are really near.  If we can be patient, God always has a better end in mind than we could even imagine.


This week I saw my cardiologist for my annual business.  The good news is that I have a heart, as I joked at choir practice.  The actual good news is that my electrocardiogram showed no change from last year.  So, I am good for another year, according to the doctor.  It is amazing what good news “no change” can be. 

     “Jesus is our resurrected Lord,” – no change! “He is present with us when two or three of His people are gathered together” - no change!  God is still ruler of the Universe – no change!  Love is still stronger than hate – no change!  The Holy Spirit still comforts, guides, and empowers – no change!  God still heals bodies, minds, and spirits – no change!  Jesus Christ, the same yesterday and forever – no change!

     A dear friend of mine told me recently that she did not like change.  I know that some change is inevitable whether I like it or not, but it is reassuring to know that there are things that do not change.  We may at times come to understand the things of God better and more deeply; but what is basic does not change even when our perspective on those things may change.

     We can always count on the eternal love and grace of God.  “O Thou, that changeth not, abide with me.”


When did you first learn to apologize and mean it sincerely? I’m sure, for me, it wasn’t that first time it was mandated that I tell my brother that I was sorry for some mistreatment of him. It takes a while for “sorry” to move from outside compulsion to internal imperative. It takes even longer to realize there are times when an apology is in order even when we do not feel totally in the wrong. We have made at least a small gain in maturity when we realize that continued good relationship matters more than being right. We have a somewhat natural tendency to defend ourselves when we feel we are in the right or even when we feel not fully understood. Stepping outside ourselves to try to see from another’s perspective can do wonders for our ability to relate. This is not the same as failing to stand up for oneself against a bully, but trying to live at peace as much as we are able. It is a hard thing to not return evil for evil or insult for insult. It is even harder to own up to when we have been the thoughtless aggressor. The philosophy of “If you punch me, I will punch you harder,“ may certainly result in bloody noses. Remember, Jesus said, “If someone strikes you on one cheek, then turn and offer the other.” Violence in response to violence, whether physical or verbal, often leads to more violence.  “Blessed are the peace makers; they will be called the children of God.”


     In the wide range of my reading, I have at times included mysteries. Whether it is Sherlock Holmes, Miss Marple, or some other more contemporary detective, I enjoy seeing how they put the clues together to solve the murder mystery and reveal the killer.

     Puzzles have an appeal to many of us from an early age. Even something as simple as a riddle can engage our minds and challenge our imagination. We never quite lose the delight of figuring out the riddle before having to ask for the answer. Even when we have guessed incorrectly, we enjoy trying the riddle on the next victim.

     The word mystery occurs a number of times in the New Testament. There it often refers to the knowledge which is known only to God and to those to whom God chooses to reveal it. We all, as followers of Jesus, share in  the mystery of the faith. Christ and his bride, the Church, are said to be a great mystery. How Christ will bring the faithful with him at his second coming is described as a mystery. What is not known by ordinary human minds is revealed by the Spirit of God to the followers of Christ. This is a great privilege of the faithful. It does not make us superior to those outside the faith but is another example of God’s unmerited favor. It is by the grace of God that we experience the mystery of knowing God as our Loving Father and Redeemer, because he has revealed himself to us.


For centuries, the Christian church has made use of the lectionary which contains readings for each Sunday of the year. The readings have changed a bit over the years, but remain largely the same.  Presently it is on a three-year cycle of readings, with each Sunday having a reading from the Old Testament, a reading from the Psalms, a reading from the Gospels, and a reading from the rest of the New Testament. Through this schedule, most of the Bible is covered in the three years. Not all Christian groups make use of the lectionary, but many do. Palm Sunday is unique in that there are two sets of readings. One set focuses on the Triumphal Entry. The second set focuses on the Passion or suffering of Jesus. The Sunday before Easter can be called Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday. Both settings form the front part of the frame for Holy Week, which is framed at the end by Easter. Most often we focus on the Palm Sunday aspect, but the Passion focus prepares us for Good Friday. The contrast sharpens the triumph and thanksgiving of Easter. I never want to focus on Jesus’ death on the cross without remembering his resurrection. But I don’t want to focus on His resurrection without remembering the cross. They are together one event that pushes us toward the continuing presence of the living Jesus with us now.


As I write my column today, we are a full month from Presidents’ Day, which is far from our most popular federal holiday. There is value in reflecting on the lives of our better leaders. In a world full of kings in his time, George Washington refused to consider becoming one. In the intervening years, there have been leaders who seemed to want that kind of personal power. Washington’s principled decision set the precedent for the President of the United States. So far, so good, General Washington. We hope to continue your legacy.

   Washington was not a perfect human being. Was he ever known to smile? It is a popular story that he had problems with his teeth. If so, that could dampen anyone’s smile. The state of dentistry in Washington’s day was primitive, at best. Allegedly, the first President had wooden false teeth. Now we have tooth implants and scientifically fitted teeth, not to mention the joy of real painkillers.

   Scripture has only a few references to teeth, so maybe they found the topic as painful as we find a dentist visit. I just know as I visit my dentist, I am grateful for all the modern conveniences at her disposal. Unlike President George, I can emerge from a visit to my dentist with a smile on my face, even if it is a bit lop-sided from the anesthesia. It truly is a great time to be alive. Thanks for some good work, George, in spite of your pain!


    If you are an avid reader like I am, one of the real joys of life is discovering a new author whose writing is enjoyable. The author may not actually be new.  It is enough if she or he is new to me. It feels like finding a new friend. As we age, finding a new friend is a less common experience than it seems to be when we are young. I am puzzled by people who rarely read. I am not critical of them, but I find reading so fulfilling that I can’t imagine not reading frequently and regularly. Perhaps it is just that we have differing preferences in life.

    Growing up in an economically and culturally limited environment, it was reading that opened a larger world for me. Through books, I could journey to far off places. I could imagine beautiful vistas and magnificent environments. I could meet famous people and feel a part of history. Through that great book of faith, The Bible, I could walk in Galilee with Jesus and his other disciples. I could escape Egypt with Moses and the children of Israel. I could journey with Paul and even  look into the royal throne room of God with John the Revelator. All this through reading!

    For me, reading is part of what makes life rich, meaningful, and significant.


One time, when I was in London, England, I attended a performance of the musical CATS, which was based on T.S. Eliot’s poems collected in Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats. Eliot wrote other more serious poetry collections such as The Love Song of J. Albert Prufrock and The Wasteland. In 1948, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. He is considered one of the great modern poets of the English language.  He was also an essayist, playwright, publisher, and literary critic. His whimsical poems about cats and their secret names endeared him to me. A major poet who can let his supposed dignity be impugned by a collection of cat poems must have been able to not take himself too seriously. With notable humor, Eliot captures the character and foibles of both cats and humans. Someone has said that “dogs live for us, but cats live with us.”  Perhaps it could be said that, from the cat’s perspective, we live with them. I value and enjoy the independent nature of both cats and humans. In children, young people and adults, I like the independent thinkers and I suspect that Jesus likes them, too.


One of my morning jobs every day is to lay out the daily medications that Sue and I need. Currently, I have six pills and two kinds of insulin to take. I do this with my breakfast to go easy on my tummy, so all these pills and breakfast go in altogether.  Somehow my body sorts all of that out so the various medications and the nutritional elements end up going where they are needed in my body. Recently, I was contemplating how amazing that all is.  I need a pill box to keep my medications sorted and on time, but my body is able to work out all of this without hardly any effort on my part.  The message and delivery system operates automatically.  There are so many other automatic systems at work in each of us, including our bodies’ amazing power to heal itself, fighting off disease and injury. Our very breath continues while we are asleep and at times, even when we are unconscious. Truly, God’s design for us is wonderful! As scripture phrases it, “We are awesomely and wonderfully made.”  The great Creator has made each of us a great creation.  Thank you, God!!


In Revelation 8:1, the text reads, “When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in Heaven for about half an hour.”  I have always found this text puzzling.  Is the silence about respect or awe?  Does it intend to show how important the next section of the revelation is? Are we to look for some other meaning?

     I know that silence can be a very important matter.  There are times when words or even noise is inappropriate.  Silence in the presence of God can be a mark of respect.  Silence may enable us to listen for God’s voice.  It is hard to listen while we are still speaking.  Silence can be a way of making ourselves receptive to hear the “still small voice.”

     When we have learned the discipline of quiet waiting, we notice much that is obscure in our noisy fast-paced existence.  “Be still and know that I am God,” is still the divine counsel.  It can be one of the marks of love to find comfort in the presence of another even when no words are spoken.  Like Samuel we can say to the divine voice, “Speak, Lord, your servant is listening.”

      Silence in the presence of the divine majesty may actually speak louder than any words. Maybe it was so for that half hour in Heaven as John the Revelator experienced it.


One of the ancient traditions about Abraham is that he was known as the “friend of God”. This could be taken to mean that God had befriended Abraham. Such an interpretation could have a lot in common with the old hymn, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”. It is heartening to know that God has reached out to us in friendship. Jesus’ statement, “Greater love has no one that a man should lay down his life for his friend (paraphrased). Jesus shows us his ultimate friendship by sacrificing his life for us.  But, Abraham as God’s friend could be viewed from the other side. Not only is God Abraham’s friend, but Abraham is God’s friend. So, how does one show one’s friendship toward God? Friendship is rarely, if ever, one-sided. Real friendship in our experience is characterized by mutuality. Friendship has a tough time surviving without commitment by both friends. What does it mean to act as God’s friend? Someone has joked that you know you have a real friend when they are willing to help you move from one house to another. What behaviors would reflect our friendship with God? In addition to how we feel, are there things we can do that suggest that we are the friends of God? If we do them, perhaps, like Abraham, we will be known as the friends to God.


Paying bills is not the most enjoyable of tasks, but there is real satisfaction when there are adequate funds to bring all the bills up to date. Perhaps that is one of the reasons why the various lotteries are tempting for many. Along with the fantasy of being rich, there is the desire to never have to worry about there being enough to meet all the needs without worry. In reality, winning the lottery has its own problems. No doubt the desires grow with the greater funds.  That is why grace is so much superior to wealth. The verse in the song “Grace Greater Than Our Sin” reads, “Marvelous, infinite, matchless grace, freely bestowed on all who believe.”  The grace of God is free and boundless. It will never be in short supply. There is no reason to worry or fret. The well is massive!  It will never run out. The living water of God’s grace will constantly refresh, constantly sustain, constantly bless. It is living water that will never die.  God’s grace is infinite and guaranteed by the living, eternal God, and it is freely available to us through our Lord Jesus Christ.  So relax – no checks to sign, no bank balance to check, just worry-free grace available to all who believe!